Korovia is a fictional kingdom / world created by fantasy author Charles Moffat. Learn more by visiting fiction.charlesmoffat.com.

How to get the Most Korovia Books for your $$

 #1. Pay attention to book sales / freebies

Book sales and freebies are sometimes posted on korovia.blogspot.com and via Charles Moffat's social media feeds. For best results, subscribe / follow all of the following to stay up-to-date on the latest book sales and freebies.





#2. Buy Anthology Collections

When it comes to short stories, many of Charles Moffat's stories are available in anthologies and they are by far the cheapest way to get all of the short stories quickly and easily.

See the following anthologies for example:

The Adventures of the Bogatyr: Anthology Collection

The Chronicles of Korovia: Anthology Collection

The Lilith Bloodstone Omnibus Collection

Wulfric the Wanderer: The Wanderer Cycle

#3. Buy a Poetry Book

Did you know that many of Charles Moffat's poetic fables and short stories are available in one of his poetry collections? One of his poetry books ( Ancient Stories Dreamt Of ) contains the following poems and fables. The pieces marked in blue are set in Korovia.

  • Atalanta and the Prophecy of Orpheus
  • Rama and Sita
  • The Fable of Sir Fartsalot
  • The Fable of the Boring Dwarf
  • The Fable of the Crow and Raven
  • The Fable of the Dragon’s Bank
  • The Fable of the Graverobber & the Cursed Cutlass
  • The Fable of the Incubus of Izhamet
  • The Fables of the Jackalope
  • The Fable of the Sibilant Snake
  • The Fable of the Wolfkin
  • The Princess and the Foxalope
  • The Legend of Nordica
  • The Turkey Vulture’s Tale
  • The Sumerian Legend of Lilith
  • The Voyages of Orion

#4. Buy the eBooks instead of the Paperbacks or Hardcovers

It is generally usually cheaper to buy ebooks instead of paperbacks and hardcovers. And as an added bonus it means that you can read Charles Moffat's books while you're on the go, you receive the ebooks immediately via your Kindle app

#5. Get a Kindle Unlimited Subscription

For $10 per month you can get unlimited access to almost all of Charles Moffat's works, allowing you to read every novel, every novella, every short story via KU. You will not be able to get the fables this way, and there are rare exceptions that cannot be found on KU, but you can read at least 98% of Charles Moffat's books via KU.

When you're done reading all of his books then you just cancel your subscription. So if you're a very fast reader you could theoretically read all of his books in a month or two.

#6. Find Used Copies of the Novels

This is trickier to do, but not impossible. Some used book stores may have copies of the novels from The Adventures of Wrathgar (TAOW) series.

#6. Use a Bookstore Gift Card

If you have any old unused gift cards from a bookstore you can also order Korovia books from your local bookstore and have them delivered to the store for pickup. This way you get rid of the old gift card and get extra books for your Korovia collection.

#7. Add various Korovia book to your Christmas Wish List

This is always a viable option and will certainly bring a little extra joy during the Christmas Season.

Happy Holidays!


Did you know that the village of Millkrest features in the holiday calendar of Korovia? According to the legends, the final battle of the First Demon War took place on a hill known as Krest, south of the Krest River. The village that is now built on that hill is known as Millkrest, after the mill by the river.

After the First Demon War was over the various tribes of Korovia would gather once per year on the Winter Solstice to exchange gifts and give thanks to the gods for their victory over the demons. They would celebrate this by gathering together and massing at the Krest hill. This annual gift giving later evolved into a tradition known as "Krestmass".

Fantasy Book Sale, October 16th to 20th 2024

Fantasy Books by Charles Moffat

 Visit amazon.com/author/moffat to get free short stories and huge discounts on fantasy books by Charles Moffat. Sale ends on October 20th.

The Chronicles of Korovia

What happens when a writer has ideas for stories that don't fit in with a normal series of books because the characters are different in every book, it is only the setting that is the same?

Well, in my case, I opted to publish a series of short stories, novelettes and one standalone pulp fiction length novel where the only thing that the stories have in common are the theme of dogs and wolves in each of the stories. Because some of the stories also feature the following I decided to call the series The Chronicles of Korovia:

  • Time Travel
  • Time Paradoxes
  • Chronomancy

I published each story individually, and eventually I had enough of them that I decided to publish an anthology collection:

The Chronicles of Korovia: Anthology Collection

The anthology collection will be released on October 1st 2025 and includes all of the following stories:

  • A Hound Named Hunter
  • The Hab & the Witch
  • Pawn of the Demon Prince
  • The Ghost of Garter Street
  • The Worgs of Winter
  • The Seawolf of Weyvin
  • Raiders of Pravda Vremya

Plus "Guardians of Lost Souls" and other bonus stories.

Readers can, of course, purchase the stories individually if they don't want to wait, or you can preorder the ebook version of the anthology for when it releases in October 2025.

  1. A Hound Named Hunter (short story)
  2. The Hab & the Witch (short story)
  3. Pawn of the Demon Prince (pulp fiction length novel)
  4. The Ghost of Garter Street (novelette)
  5. The Worgs of Winter (novelette)
  6. The Seawolf of Weyvin (novelette)
  7. Raiders of Pravda Vremya (short story)


Map of Korovia

Map of Korovia

Under the Red Moon Xarsius

Under the Red Moon Xarsius