Korovia is a fictional kingdom / world created by fantasy author Charles Moffat. Learn more by visiting fiction.charlesmoffat.com.

Korovia Gods / Cosmology Updated

December 30th 2014

Today I updated the Cosmology to include descriptions on many other lesser gods that had previously been left out on the website.

I also added a Global Map of Aoerth to the Maps page. I have been working on and off on the global map for over a year. The map is to scale and comparable to our Earth, and I made it so that in the future if I decide to expand the scope of the world (in terms of different kingdoms and geo-politics), the global map is already done and I will just need to determine what I want and where. I have already determined that in certain parts of the world magic works / behaves differently and that creatures / monsters and plant life in other parts of the globe will remarkably different. The religions of those regions will bear similarities (often different names or personas), and thus may be considered to be different religions under singular gods. eg. The snake god Set might exist in other regions, but with a different name and revered as healing god.

If you have questions about any of these gods or the maps, just ask.

Charles Moffat

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