Korovia is a fictional kingdom / world created by fantasy author Charles Moffat. Learn more by visiting fiction.charlesmoffat.com.

Korovia.com overdue for updates.

Here it is December 2015 and Korovia.com is getting some overdue updates. Why you may ask?

#1. Amazon changed their system for people linking to specific Kindle books via iframes. Those iframes no longer work, so the website looked like there was errors on it. If you see additional iframes we haven't removed please leave a comment below as to the location of any we missed removing.

#2. Since those links are being removed, we need to add new links to replace them. These will be normal static links.

#3. We are looking for NEW Authors looking to add their name to Korovia's list of authors. If you are a fantasy or horror writer looking for a shared fantasy world, Korovia might just right for your writing.

#4. When we first started we added a number of Authors to our page listing all the authors - some of whom were people who expressed an interest in writing a book and declared that they had already begun the writing process, but some of them never finished writing / moved on to other projects. Thus (1) any of those authors who never finished writing are going to be removed from our list of authors, and (2) new authors joining won't be added to the list of authors until AFTER they finish writing a book and posting it on Kindle, Kobo or similar eBook service.

#5. More books are coming from our existing authors. So stay tuned as we will be updating Korovia.com with new books as they come out.

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